The 5 main types of User Interface (UI)

what is a user interface?

The user interface (UI) is the most important part of a computer system. It functions the  main process between human and computer interaction. Moreover user interfaces are what makes technology special an unique as it is known that a good interface can help us save cost and time through engaging its this article you are about to read on the five different types of user interfaces and what are their purposes.

1. graphical user interface (GUI)

one of the most common interfaces found on computers everywhere is the graphical user interface. every element we see on our laptops such as the icons and programs. GUI also allows inputted devices to control these programs

2. Command Line Interface

command line interfaces are text based user interfaces used to manage the process of computer files.another important feature that the command line interface provide is known as command prompt notifies users that the computer is ready to accept commands to follow.

3. Menu based user Interface 

This user interface is a very ubiquitous interface that can be found everywhere such as on our mobile phones,Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and ticket machine screens.this makes it very user friendly.

4. Natural Language User Interface (NLUI)

this interface makes life easier for many people as this interface allows users to use common phrases and words to modify software applications to identify software applications.

5. Form based User Interface 

form based interfaces are usually allows computers to have choices for users this allows online forms ,settings and options to be made easier to use.

In conclusion each user interface provides a special feature that make technology easier to have more human to computer interaction
