Comparing the different types of Authoring Tool ? which is the best and why

there are many types of html authoring tools with open source software. here are a few examples for you to understand in this article you are about to take a look at some

1. Notepad++
The Notepad++ is a free source code that uses a customisation user interface that helps reduce carbon emissions and make CPU on less power with 20 different built in themes
2.CoffeeCup HTML Editor

CoffeeCup HTML Editor provides a free editor that not only edits HTML and CSS files but website files as well with limited capabilities this software can do provide basic editing for the free version.but if the full on visual editor is required a cost must be made.the coffecup editor has only been said to have good customer support services.

3.komodo Edits

komodo has made many good impression as it is a free open source multi language HTML editor that provides limited features for users.Although this software is well known to have various advanced tools the full version must be purchased in order to edit with advanced techniques.but sadly reviews say that komodo customers services are not the best to communicate with.


Netbeans helps to develop various sorts of coding languages with their own marketplace for user to buy and make their own plugins 

5.Visual Studio Code

Microsoft's Visual Studio Code free version comes with all the essential tools for your computers although the paid version comes with many advanced features.

My personal Favourite 

The Notepad++ is the most friendly software as it eco friendly and with the  built in themes authorising tools are easier to use.
