Understanding the true purpose of Big Data

It is evident that the world around us has a large source of big data. As interesting as it seems it is doubtful that some do not realise its full potential on the uses and sources of such big data. In this article you are about to understand what is the true purpose of big data and why it is so important.

What does Big Data Mean?

Big Data is a process of digital data mining used to compute and analyse massive amounts of data that extracts information with ease this process is too complicated for the human mind to handle with the traditional data process that is the why big data is so important in the world we live in today.

The Characteristics of Big data Also known as the 5 Vs

- Volume 

This basically works on amount of information to be collated it is very important on how much space it takes. 

- Velocity 

it is important that the speed of the in formation provided is fast and accurate compared to traditional data mining

- Variety

this mean that as the internet grows the amount of Big data is has many categories and intresting information to process

- Veracity

As interesting as it seems not everything we read online is true or honest it is important that we know how truthful is the information we are receiving

- Value

It is important that when we collate information for different purposes we analyse what value does the information have as information with no value is not worth at all

Source and Uses of Big Data 

Sources of Big Data can be categorised into 5 different types 

- Social Data

Social Data is simply the data that we share on social media such as our pictures, personal details, location is one of the most vulnerable data as it can be dangerous used to provide too much of personal information on social media.

- Machine Data

Machine data is data collated from computers such as digital information in our electronic devices that provides networked and embedded systems to process information.This data can be used in  corporations and organisations.

- Transactional Data

Transactional data is the computed information such as sales of products this type of data is commonly used in business and organisations often.this is commonly used for cashiering,invoices etc.

Crowdsourced Data

Crowdsourced data is provided by groups of people of large data being data being collated this can be used for client profiles and supplier information

- Operational Data

Operational data is a form of strategic data with information on a company workforce this can used to for companies to store employee profiles.

In conclusion big data has many different uses and purposes which helps us compute data with ease and has a a tremendous potential in this world.
