Complications faced on Web 2.0

what does Web 2.0 mean?

Web 2.0 was created to help people with an advanced form of technology to help better communication between people. although the web 2.0 is believed to have benefited many it can be argued that as technology progresses the problems and risks arises as users encounter problems that you are about to read or have seen on the web 2.0
1. Blogging is self-centred

Web 2.0 is very popular for blogs  that can be posted online today such as articles, products posters etc. As good as it seems the first problem that many bloggers are facing when writing a blog  is being narcissistic as blogs can be self-centred.

2.Online Advertising

It appears to be that one common issue can be as simple as online advertising. As intriguing as advertisements can be users has a tendency to ignore such advertisements which creates a problem for companies and with all the free advertisements posted online today on social networking sites, this creates the amount of competition for clients to increase rapidly.

3.Technology fetishism

With all the love for technology people around the world have developed a common issue that is found everywhere and known as technology fetishism. It is believed that technology was meant to help and make lives easier. but it can be argued that many around the world have become addicted and easily zealous to the latest technology around us.

4. Dominative interest

Although it can seem as free and easy to surf the internet the web 2.0 serves a dominative interest.    This allows governments and co-operations that are in the hierarchy to control what we see and hear on the internet.

5. Social connections are engineered and manipulated

It can be seen that the web 2.0 allows social networking sites to engineer and manipulate social connections on our accounts such as the suggested friends' list provided to you on Facebook and Instagram etc.

In can be concluded that web 2.0 is meant to help us grow from what we were to what we are becoming  as quoted by Bill Gates “The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”. But it is also important that one must never lose control of what they are doing on the web as we do not want the internet to take control of us.
