The Creative Class - How do we play our part

The creative class has been assumed as creative individuals with artistic and entertaining value. But is this true? What you are about to read this article will make you understand what does it mean to be in the creative class.

Who is the Creative Class?

The creative class is anyone creative in different roles such as engineers, doctors, poets, teachers, and actors, etc. This shows that the creative class does not have a have specific class of people as long as someone is creative or creates creative content they are a member of the creative class 

How do we play our part? 

It is evident that I too am a member of the creative class just as I am writing this article with creative content for you to read. Another example will be imagining if you are a teacher just by creating interesting content and innovative ideas in class for your students you become a member of the creative class.

What are the struggles the creative class faces and overcomes?

A person can only be as creative as they want to be many. People today face struggles with many competitions and emotions that some may find hard to is also believed that not all of the creative class succeeds as there is a rise in the creative class and makes it more difficult to be unique in your way. This is why it is important to think out of the box and keep experimenting with new things as that is how one may survive the creative class.

A Personal Perspective

It can be seen that majority of us in this world are part of the creative class as the human mind allows us to be creative and innovate ideas it is important that no matter what struggles as long as you keep trying you will one day suceed in the creative class
