How did trump prevail with the use of Networked campaigns? (A further case study between Hillary Clinton and Donald trump's campaign)

From examining the findings it can be seen that 75 of the nations worldwide experts evaluated the personality reputation of Trump and Clinton. Although they both had certain mixed qualities results were consistent with previous research based on ratings from team of psychologist. Experts also evaluated their campaign style. In this article you are about to have a closer look into how Donald Trump campaign prevail more than Hillary Clinton.

Now lets break down the 2 different campaign and their targets holders

Donald Trump

Donald Trump's campaign was seen as sticking to one goal that gave him a good image among the people of America he said that he wanted to make America great again.this sentence showed that his motive was to work on the nation's progress making life better for them.This shows us that he trusted his instincts.

Hillary Clinton

On the other side, Clinton's was evaluated as high in negativity by using less popular and emotional appeals seeking on a phrase that stereotyped men by saying don't you want to see a woman president we sure do. this did not speak about the nation but more on self-interest and woman.this brings a negative perspective toward men.As it can believed that both men and women should have equal rights to be president and it is not really a reason to state that she is a powerful women she deserves to be president.A article by the telegraph also states that the huge investment on a social media approach did not reach a massive audience as the social media did was not as popular as it is today among all age groups 

In conclusion although Hillary Clinton campaign raised more money the message conveyed was not strong as Donald trumps this is the main reason why America believed that trump way more deserving as his campaign would promise to help make Americans live a better life with lower taxes and more innovative ideas for the future when if he was elected.This study shows us that campaign have the power to change people opinions and lives.
